MTAC visits Tuxis-Ohr’s

This week, MTAC President Joe Sculley visited member company Tuxis-Ohr’s fuel. The owner of Tuxis-Ohr’s, Jim Vitali, is a member of the MTAC Board of Directors, and is a strong supporter of the association. Tuxis-Ohr’s is a wholesale supplier of distillate petroleum products to resellers, and their commercial products include heating oil, gasoline, biodiesel, diesel…


This week, MTAC President Joe Sculley visited member company Tuxis-Ohr’s fuel. The owner of Tuxis-Ohr’s, Jim Vitali, is a member of the MTAC Board of Directors, and is a strong supporter of the association.

Tuxis-Ohr’s is a wholesale supplier of distillate petroleum products to resellers, and their commercial products include heating oil, gasoline, biodiesel, diesel fuels, kerosene, and bioheat. They also directly serve residential customers, and they work with their residential customers on conservation and help in controlling heating costs by providing quality oil, heating services and energy efficient equipment.

Be sure to check out their website, or contact the MTAC office if you need contact info for Tuxis-Ohr’s.

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