UCR fees now accepted online

Payments for Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) Agreement fees for 2017 are now being accepted through the UCR website. UCR fees must be paid by any motor carrier or other entity that is required to obtain a USDOT, FF, MC or MX number and/or is required to register with FMCSA. The fee schedule is based on…

USDOT Number

Payments for Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) Agreement fees for 2017 are now being accepted through the UCR website. UCR fees must be paid by any motor carrier or other entity that is required to obtain a USDOT, FF, MC or MX number and/or is required to register with FMCSA. The fee schedule is based on fleet size as follows:

  • $76 for 0 to 2 Vehicles;
  • $227 for 3 to 5 Vehicles;
  • $452 for 6 to 20 Vehicles;
  • $1,576 for 21 to 100 Vehicles;
  • $7,511 for 101 to 1000 Vehicles;
  • $73,346 for 1001 or more Vehicles;

Recently, law enforcement has been more aggressive with enforcement of compliance with the UCR Agreement. Non-payment of fees could potentially result in citations issued at roadside inspections.

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